Во денешно време, децата сакаат
налепници за хартија за деца,бидејќи постојат различни обрасци, кои може да се објават насекаде, со цел да се направи цврсто да се држи, за да се направи цврсто да се држи, користете различни врзива. Навистина е многу силно кога се користи. Но, навистина е главоболка да се исчисти. Да земеме подобро да го исчистиме?
налепнициcan be used to scribble with baby oil. It can help dissolve the pigments on children's налепнициand play a good cleaning effect. Apply a small amount of baby oil on the налепница, you can stay for about 2 minutes and then wipe it clean with a towel. It is necessary to say that there is still a small amount of warm water to rinse.
налепницаs can use wind oil. Because this contains ingredients from viscous substances, if you use it, you can tear a налепница. The step is to first prepare the items you need, a bottle of wind oil, a paper towel, a piece of wipes with detergent, which is prepared to prepare in advance, then fell on the surface of the object, evenly Apply it, you must completely cover the entire surface, and wait for the full paper wet, take the paper towel or towel to wipe back to the stains. This is easily wiped, if there are some words, you can continue to wipe it in the same way.